Possible Airdrop from ZKX protocol

ZKX protocol is a perpetual exchange built on the Starknet ecosystem. As of April 19, 2022, users can engage in long and short trades using ETH and BTC on the ZKX protocol's testnet.

The team behind ZKX protocol made an announcement in the past regarding the rewards in phase 2 of the testnet. They revealed that players who participate in the testnet will get access to 40+ new and exciting quests, OG level roles with rewards in future ZKX tokens, and Yakuza NFTs. To be eligible for these rewards, players need to use ZKX and provide the team with their valuable feedback.

Possible airdrop announcement
ZKX Twitter

Looking to improve your chances of being eligible for an airdrop with the ZKX protocol? Follow these simple steps to optimize your airdrop potential.

In summary, the process entails the following:

  1. Add the Goerli network to your MetaMask wallet
  2. Get some testnet ETH for free at Goerli Faucet
  3. Connect to Polaris.zkx.fi and create your account there
  4. Open long or short positions at Polaris.zkx.fi
  5. Complete tasks and missions at Zealy.io
  6. Provide some feedback to the team behind the testnet
  7. Follow them on Twitter and Discord

Estimated time: 1 hour

Cost: 0 (testnet)

Let’s go through those steps in more detail.

Step 1

First you need to add the Goerli network to your MetaMask, which is a testnet blockchain created and maintained by the Ethereum community. To do this, we are going to use ChainList. Once you are on the ChainList website, connect your wallet and go to the “Search Networks” section and search for “Goerli,” make sure that you click on “Include Testnets” then click on “Add to Metamask.” Once you have Goerli network in your MetaMask, you will need some testnet ETH. You can get some for free on the Goerli Faucet page. Simply enter your Ethereum address where it indicates “Enter Your Wallet Address,” then click on “Send Me ETH.” In total, you will receive 0.02 ETH. This process is free because developers are constantly testing their protocols and they need ETH to do so. The last thing you need to do is to verify the testnet ETH transaction, so you can make sure that you have successfully received the funds. To do this, just click on your address under “Your Transactions” section and it will redirect you to Goerli Etherscan, where you will be able to see the status of your request.

Please note that to carry out this step, you must have an Alchemy account. But don't worry; creating an account on Alchemy is a quick and easy process that only takes a few seconds.
Adding Goerli to your metamask
Getting testnet ETH

Step 2

After completing the previous step, proceed to the Polaris.zkx.fi project website, where you will connect your MetaMask account. Upon connecting, the platform will prompt you to approve the creation of your account on the Starknet ecosystem by signing a transaction. The process takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete, but it is a necessary step to participate in the testnet.

After the creation of your account, you will already be able to see a new set of useful tools and information such as Buying Power, Open / Close Trades, Market and Limit Orders and so on, on the right side of the screen. You will also see there that your portfolio account has received 200,000 testnet USDC, and if you click on the “Trade” button, you will be able to create a short or long leveraged position.

Creation of your account on Starknet
New features available after creation of your account

Step 3

Now, you can open a long or short position. To do so, go to the top right of the page and start entering your trading parameters. For example, you need to decide if you want to open your trading position with a long or short trade, and the amount you want to use for the execution of your trade. You can also choose the level of leverage you want to use (up to 20x). Once these trading parameters are set up, you are ready to open your first position.

We recommend you perform repeated trade executions such as longing or shorting the market on various days on a regular basis. As the testnet period is coming to a close, it is essential to interact with it as soon as possible. Also, remember to close your positions after opening them each time.
Opening a long position
Closing a long position

Step 4

Visit the Quests website and endeavor to accomplish a few of the available tasks and missions to earn points. These tasks are simple and may include activities such as connecting your Twitter account, following the project, writing a tweet about them and their project on your profile, sending them screenshots, and answering questions as part of quizzes related to the project.

Quests and missions

Step 5

Take the opportunity to offer feedback to the ZKX testnet team, providing any suggestions on how to improve or modify the platform. To do so, click on the question mark icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page, then select the “Help” section from the right-hand corner and choose "Provide Feedback" from the drop-down menu. Finally, select a category to share your feedback with the team.

Providing feedback

Step 6

The final step is to join the Discord channel and follow ZKX on Twitter to become an active member of the community. By doing this, you can stay up-to-date with the latest news and important announcements regarding the protocol. Don't miss out on the opportunity to engage and participate in the community!

By completing the specified tasks and actively engaging with the protocol as soon as possible, you are increasing the chances of your address appearing in the on-chain data, which could result in you benefiting from airdrops for having supported the community and the protocol.

To increase your chances of being eligible for the potential airdrop, here are some tips:
- Every action you take on the protocol is considered a transaction on the chain. The team will review the on-chain data after the testing process is complete to identify wallets that have interacted with the protocol
- To maximize your eligibility, it’s a good idea to engage with the protocol as soon as possible, especially as the testnet is nearing its end
- Like any other perpetual exchange, the more trading volume you generate, the greater your rewards will be. Simply participate actively in the ZKX live testnet and provide the team behind the protocol with valuable feedback

Analyst Opinion

Don't miss out on the chance to interact with this protocol, as the team is aiming to reward the early community members who actively use the product. They have already stated this on their Twitter profile, so seize the opportunity. Nonetheless, it is crucial that you conduct your own personal research and keep in mind that this information is for educational purposes only, not a recommendation or financial advice.

Maria Belen Martinez Andrasko


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