Lending / Borrowing


Do you still have cryptocurrencies lying around in your Web 3.0 wallet that you don't plan to sell and are wondering how to use them to your advantage during this period? You definitely have heard of a technology called crypto lending. Crypto lending is a type of decentralized financing that allows investors to make loans via cryptocurrencies to various borrowers, in exchange for which they receive interest payments, also known as "crypto dividends". It also works the other way around, when you are interested in a loan, you just need to deposit your digital assets on the platform as collateral to get it.

A significant difference in crypto-loans compared to traditional loans as we know them from the real world is the requirement for collateral worth much more than the value of the borrowed assets. The high collateral serves to keep the sector safe, as you can take out a loan in the cryptocurrency world without having to prove your identity to anyone. All you need is a Web 3.0 wallet, visit the right decentralized application (dApp), and you can process a loan without going to a bank and having to go through a lengthy bureaucratic process. In crypto loans, the whole process is automated by smart contracts, which is a big advantage.

Collateral in crypto lending varies depending on the platform setup, mostly in a ratio of 2:1 against the amount you want to borrow. This extra collateral helps to protect borrowers from possible liquidation as the cryptocurrency market is very volatile.
At the same time, since lenders don't know who you are, they also need sufficient guarantee that you will repay the loan. The guarantee is usually high collateral, through which everything is sufficiently protected even if the borrower does not repay the loan.

A detailed functioning of crypto lending:

Cryptocurrency lending is done through a platform that connects lenders and borrowers. Lenders represent the first party involved in cryptocurrency lending. These participants in crypto lending are likely to engage in it with the aim of increasing the productivity of their assets so that they do not sit pointlessly in their cryptocurrency wallets until they increase in value and they decide to sell them. Lenders earn regular interest for lending.

The middleman is a cryptocurrency lending platform where the lending and borrowing transactions take place. This platform is typically controlled by smart contracts.

Finally, there are borrowers who will get the borrowed money. For example, these may be people (or businesses) looking for needed finance.

The process of borrowing cryptocurrencies takes place in several steps:

The borrower goes to the platform, where he deposits collateral. The platform then offers the borrower a choice of cryptocurrencies or stablecoins to borrow against their collateral. Until the borrower repays the loan, he will not be able to recover his collateral. On most platforms, loans can be repaid consecutively. At the same time, the borrower can take back some of his collateral after each repayment, but always only to the extent that the loan is still sufficiently collateralized. The platform automatically finances the loans for the lenders according to the rules as set out in the smart contracts. In return, the lender collects regular interest. Once the borrower manages to repay the entire loan, he receives back all his deposited collateral.

Cryptocurrency loans can be divided into two broad categories

Custodial (CeFi) crypto loans

In the case of centralized finance (CeFi) crypto loans, a centralized authority takes control of your collateral. CeFi loans are custody loans, where the borrower does not have access to the collateral assets. The lender tends to be a specific centralized authority that gains full access to your collateral.

Non-custodial (DeFi) crypto loans

In the case of decentralized finance (DeFi) cryptocurrency loans, there is no central authority that controls the loan conditions. Smart contracts do all that work. On DeFi crypto lending / borrowing platforms, you can get loans in various cryptocurrencies or stablecoins. The advantage of lending in decentralized finance is that they are accessible to anyone because they are hosted on the blockchain, where everything is transparent. There are no verification processes to go through on DeFi platforms, and even the interest rates for borrowing are likely to be less than on CeFi platforms.

If you find yourself on the lender's side on decentralised platforms, you don't have to worry about repaying the loan. Smart contracts take care of everything.


  • Crypto loans are available to everyone
  • In case you have decided to take a crypto loan, there will be no registration required with any regulator or government agency
  • Quick and easy to get additional passive income
  • You can get a cryptocurrency loan instantly
  • Option to choose from a wide range of cryptocurrencies in which you receive the loan
  • Interest rates for borrowers are significantly lower compared to traditional loans, sometimes even negative
  • There is no bias in decision making. Whether you get a loan depends entirely on financial factors. No one is denied a loan because of race, gender, religion or any other protectable characteristic.
  • All crypto loans are permanently recorded on the blockchain, increasing transparency in the cryptocurrency sector


  • The use of crypto lending carries a number of risks, such as sudden dips in the cryptocurrency market, smart contracts exploits, rug pulls, regulatory intervention, etc.
  • There is a lot of fraud going on in the cryptocurrency world, and even though many of these platforms are audited, an audit does not guarantee security; it merely points out flaws in the platform's code, if the auditor discovers them.
  • Cryptocurrency lending is unregulated. Your money is not protected by any financial regulators, such as e.g. FDIC.
  • When the value of your collateral decreases, your lender issues a margin call, to which you must respond by increasing your collateral. If you fail to do so, your collateral will be liquidated, or at least the part of it required to meet the pre-determined LTV (loan to value). If this happens, you will suffer a loss, but the borrowed assets will remain.

What are the risks associated with crypto loans?

With cryptocurrency loans, compared to those of the traditional world, there is no insurance in case something doesn't go as planned. If there is any problem in this sector and you lose your assets, you alone bear the responsibility and can blame no one else.

  1. Technical risks. Everything that takes place on the platform happens in a digital world that is controlled by smart contracts. Smart contracts on blockchains are publicly available and their code can be checked by anyone. It is these codes that are checked by many reputable companies to help ensure the security of their code. Despite this checking, which is called auditing, it is possible for a hacker to be the first to find flaws in the code that auditors were previously unable to predict, allowing them to take control of the protocol,your digital assets, or both!
  2. Liquidity problems. This problem can occur if there is a big dip in the markets and most borrowers stop repaying their loans, or in the event of a platform exploit.
  3. Crypto lending platforms are forced to set liquidation levels. Liquidation levels are used to avoid the illiquidity problem during a market crash or dip. If the value of a crypto asset drops to a certain value when the LTV (Loan To Value) is already too high, the platform will order the borrower to increase the value of their collateral, otherwise they will have to face liquidation. If the borrower doesn't comply with the order to increase the collateral, the platform liquidates sufficient collateral already deposited to bring the borrower's LTV back to the approved ratio.


Crypto lending / borrowing is a great way to earn crypto dividends and interest payments using the cryptocurrencies you hold, or alternatively, to provide them as collateral against which you can take a loan. In this sector, you have the option of participating as a lender or even as a borrower. In case you have a good strategy, you can also earn good profits from this area of cryptocurrencies. However, beware of possible scams and always diversify your investments carefully.

Personal Opinion

Crypto lending / borrowing is a truly great technology that I actively use myself. If you set the right investment strategy, cryptocurrency lending opens the door to multiplying your profits in decentralized finance. The big advantage of this sector is that you can remain anonymous, which is very important to me, and that is exactly what cryptocurrency loans can provide.
However, I'm still not sure if I would want to leave a larger portion of my digital assets as collateral on a decentralized platform for the long term, because I know there is still a chance of my assets being stolen. Always keep in mind that the moment you move your cryptocurrencies to any lending platform, you no longer own them. If you have provided your cryptocurrency to the platform, you will receive a bond issued by a smart contract in exchange for it. You only become the true owner of your digital asset when it is sitting in your cryptocurrency wallet.
That's why you should beware of the many scams that are still happening in the cryptocurrency world. Platforms are regularly created with the aim of scamming you with the intention of stealing your cryptocurrencies, so before you use one, do a full research to check who is behind the development of the project, what the developers' history is, and if they have KYC. Study the whitepaper and check the code audit reports. You should never underestimate the role of cybersecurity, because even one incident - e.g. a bug in the code and a subsequent hacking attack on the platform can destroy the future of the entire project, you can lose money, which will greatly affect the motivation of users to continue investing their money and time in digital assets and Web 3.0. Always be prepared to accept a certain amount of risk and diversify your investments wisely. Your main task is to ensure that you are earning consistent profits for the minimum possible level of risk. Always DYOR!


René Užovič


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Lending / Borrowing

René Užovič


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