How to Start


PancakeSwap is a popular decentralized protocol that was originally developed on the BNB Smart Chain. Today, it can also be used on the Ethereum and Aptos blockchains. In this article, we will go through how to get your first cryptocurrencies on the BNB Smart Chain, how to work with PancakeSwap, the wallets supported by the platform, the different features of the platform, and how to use them.

How to start?

First, you need to have enough digital assets in your MetaMask, on one of the blockchains on which PancakeSwap works. In the case of the Aptos blockchain, we will need to choose a different wallet because MetaMask does not support Aptos blockchain. In our article, we will be using the BNB Smart Chain.

You can send your first tokens from a centralized exchange(CEX); for example, from Binance. There are fees in $BNB on the BNB Smart Chain, so the easiest way is to send enough $BNB from Binance through the BNB Smart Chain (BEP20) network to your MetaMask address. You will then be able to swap a part of your $BNB into other cryptocurrencies, which will be needed for other actions you will execute on PancakeSwap. Always keep in mind that even after swapping, you will still need to have some extra $BNB left over for fees. The moment you get the $BNB on your MetaMask, it will open up new opportunities in decentralized finance (DeFi) on PancakeSwap and you will be able to provide liquidity, farm, stake, swap individual cryptocurrencies with each other, and use many of the other features that the PancakeSwap platform offers.

Supported Wallets

MetaMask / Binance Wallet / Coinbase Wallet / Trust Wallet / WalletConnect / Opera Wallet / Brave Wallet / MathWallet / TokenPocket / SafePal / Coin98 / Blocto / Ledger


$CAKE token address: 0x0E09FaBB73Bd3Ade0a17ECC321fD13a19e81cE82

To search for transactions, contract addresses, and other necessary details, use the explorers of the specific blockchain:

BNB Smart Chain



Platform Functions

Trade: here, you can swap tokens with each other as you need, whether for trading purposes or for the need to compose a Liquidity Pool (LP). The PancakeSwap platform offers several functions in the form of classic swaps, limit orders, or perpetual trading. You can add liquidity in the Liquidity section, where you will be able to compose your LP tokens, and finally there is a PancakeSwap bridge which can be used to transfer assets between chains.

Earn: there are two options - Farms and Pools. In the Farms section, you can deposit your created LPs and earn rewards in the form of fees from swaps on the PancakeSwap protocol (and, as a bonus, additional $CAKE). If you choose the Pools section, you will be taken to the Syrup pool, where for staking one token, you will earn rewards in $CAKE.

Win: you will find competitions in the form of Trading Competitions, Prediction, Lottery, and Pottery, which we write more about in our PancakeSwap - Protocol article.

NFT: by clicking on NFT, you can trade NFTs, view your NFTs and also track the current activities of other users in the NFT market.

Click on "..." to expand the menu of further functions:

Info: PancakeSwap analytics interface.

IFO: Initial Farm Offering - allows users to purchase new tokens that will be launching on the BNB Smart Chain shortly.

Voting: the community can decide the future of PancakeSwap through the proposals they find in this section.

Leaderboard: show off your stats and collectibles in a unique profile. Team features are planned to be revealed soon!

Blog: will redirect you to the PancakeSwap medium.

Docs: will redirect you to the PancakeSwap docs.

Connect Wallet: will allow you to connect to a wallet supported on the PancakeSwap platform. You can choose from the ones mentioned in ‘Supported wallets’ section of this article. We use MetaMask.

Where to Put Tokens

Creating LPs

Before we create an LP, we need to know what tokens we want to use for it. An LP usually consists of 2 different cryptocurrencies. To create an LP, swap the necessary cryptocurrencies in "Trade" section by selecting the "Swap" function.


If you can't find the token you want on the list, you can find its contract address here and copy it to the search line as in the picture.


The moment we have the cryptocurrencies ready, we create the LP under "Trade" section, select "Liquidity" and then "+ Add Liquidity".


This will open an interface, where we select the LP pair from the two cryptocurrencies that we want to compose the LP from. We set the values of the cryptocurrencies to how much we are willing to provide for our LP. We then finish creating the LP by clicking on "Supply".


After creating the LP, we go to "Earn" section, select "Farms" and then select the Farm for our created LP.


In the farm, we click on "Enable", and we will then see "Stake LP", which will allow us to insert our LP tokens into the farm.


After inserting the LP, the specific farm will appear as pictured below. By clicking on "Harvest", you will be able to collect your earned rewards in rewards tokens from the farm. Rewards from swaps on PancakeSwap are automatically counted towards your LP, and you can only earn them after you remove the LP token from the farm and change it back into two different cryptocurrencies.


For information on the specific strategies we use on PancakeSwap, see PancakeSwap - Opportunities & Risks.


Analyst Opinion

In this article, we have explained how to get your first cryptocurrencies on your MetaMask so you can start using the PancakeSwap protocol. If you want to work with PancakeSwap on the Aptos blockchain, you will need to use a wallet supported by that blockchain. We have shown you where to find features that traders and liquidity providers can use on the platform, how to create your first LP, and how to insert LP tokens into farms to earn additional rewards. Always start with a small amount of capital, no more than you are willing to risk, for the experience. Investing in decentralized finance carries many risks in addition to opportunities and profits. Investments should always be diversified and a thorough analysis of the project should be conducted before putting your money somewhere. For a complete analysis and detailed functioning of the PancakeSwap protocol, please read PancakeSwap - Protocol.

René Užovič